Monday, November 30, 2009

Big Thank You To AustenFan!

This is just a post wherein I'd like to thank a very cool blogger AustenFan for telling me that Beautiful Creatures is in the bookstores already! Thank goodness that I snagged the last copy! Thank you Issa!

Without her, I'd probably have to wait a few months until they restock!

Peace, Love, and Totally Kick-Ass Blogger Friends,
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Author Uncovered: Suzanne Young (Author Interview)

Hey folks! I have my first tenner here with me today; Suzanne Young! The fabulous author of The Naughty List! Suzanne was nice to let me interview (*ahem* torture her with my questions) her! Thanks Suzanne =)

Did you always want to become an author?
No. I’ve always loved writing, but I was hoping more for theatre. But, yeah. That didn’t work out. But I did go to school for creative writing which was a great decision. It made college completely enjoyable!

What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses as an author?
I love writing lots of different types of novels—so I think my flexibility really works. I like to mix the light and dark and really try to do original things. My weakness? I’m impatient and drive everyone crazy. What can I say? It’s a gift.

What's the most interesting thing a reader has ever said to you?
I once had someone ask me if the book was about her ex-boyfriend. Um, no. It wasn’t. ha ha

Do you have any must-haves when you're writing?
Reese’s Pieces. Seriously, I could eat the heck out of those things.

How does it feel like, knowing your books are going to be on those bookshelves in a bookstore?
I don’t think I believe it yet. Some days I’m sure that books will become obsolete before my turn. But on other days, I’m pretty stoked. It’s my dream come true.

Did you base any of your characters on real people?
Nope. Only the History teacher who was loosely based on a professor of mine. But other than that, everyone is a figment of my imagination.

What are your five most favorite things?
1. Febreeze
2. Hot dogs
3. Staying in hotels
4. Reese’s Pieces
5. Popcorn at the movies

What is your typical day?
It’s really not very glamorous. I usually get my kiddies ready for school and then after they’re gone, I surf the net for hours, write a bit. Rinse. Repeat. Occasionally I go out to meet with some of the fabulous writers in Portland.

Do you have any upcoming books apart from The Naughty List? Are you working on something else?
I have four books coming out with Razorbill. After that, we’ll see. I definitely have lots of books, but which will be next is the question.

Looks like Suzanne is my type of author! I love Reese's Pieces too! And I can't wait for the other books that this fabulous author has in store for us!

Peace, Love, and Debut Authors,
my signature

The Naughty List by Suzanne Young

Title: The Naughty List (Book 1)
Author: Suzanne Young
Pages: 272
Publisher: Razorbill
Publication Date: February 4, 2010

As if being a purrfect cheerleader isn’t enough responsibility! Tessa Crimson’s the sweet and spunky leader of the SOS (Society of Smitten Kittens), a cheer squad–turned–spy society dedicated to bringing dastardly boyfriends to justice, one cheater at a time. Boyfriend-busting wouldn’t be so bad . . . except that so far, every suspect on the Naughty List has been proven 100% guilty!

When Tessa’s own boyfriend shows up on the List, she turns her sleuthing skills on him. Is Aiden just as naughty as all the rest, or will Tessa’s sneaky ways end in catastrophe?

The Naughty List. Is your boyfriend on it?

Tessa Crimson's life is seemingly perfect. She's the cheerleading captain, leader of the SOS (Society of Smitten Kittens), she's on the honor roll, AND her boyfriend's the captain of the basketball team! What more can a girl want? She and Aiden have been together for two years but she's hiding her involvement with SOS and is afraid to finally tell Aiden about what she does. How would you feel if you were lied to, for two years? But as their relationship is put on the line, Chloe Ferril and her brother, Christian, transfer to Washington High. Christian seems to be getting cozy with Tess, but so is Chloe with Aiden. Secrets are revealed, tears are shed, cheaters are taken down, and Aiden's name has made it onto The Naughty List. Every name in The Naughty List has been proven guilty...Is Aiden really cheating? Bring it on Wildcats!

The Naughty List is a total strawberry smoothie (expression from The Naughty List); fun and flirty with a twist of a secret society thrown in. The SOS is a vital part of Tess's responsibility, but at what cost would she jeopardize her relationship with Aiden to help other girls find out whether or not their own boyfriends are cheating?

Tess is an upbeat and witty protagonist, insecure about her relationship with Aiden. She grapples with her many responsibilities and sometimes, and it feels like she's going to implode. Tess's stress and doubt really touches the whole atmosphere of The Naughty List. You'd be able to feel the strain on Aiden and Tess's relationship through each page. The tension builds up, creating an anxious air, permanently there until the dramatic and unexpected climax.

The slang in The Naughty List is cute, but it's a little bit cheesy and not really realistic. Even so, Tess's expressions are entertaining and hilarious; they're a part of her. The sexual references scattered throughout the book are tastefully added, but they aren't as subtle, which added to the awkwardness-factor of the novel. Young populates The Naughty List with a cast of charming characters that are headstrong, original, and dynamic; each with her/his own conflict that is covered and given attention to. Young gives the message that friends stick together no matter what.

Suzanne Young has done a great job with her debut novel, The Naughty List. It's the perfect YA chick-lit book that any girl could read, anytime, with the two best guys in the world at her side: Ben and Jerry! A+ =)

The Bottom Line: The Naughty List is a fun, flirty, tantalizing debut that you wouldn't want to miss! Suzanne Young has truly enamored me with The Naughty List! I can't wait for the sequel!

---Report Card---
Originality: 9/10
Ending: 9/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 10/10
My reaction/enjoyment: 10/10
Theme: 10/10
Imagery: 10/10
Setting: 4/5
Voice: 5/5
Style: 4/5
Tone: 5/5
Cover: 10/10
Total Score: 96/100 (A+)
my signature

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hate List Contest Winner!!!

Hey guys! As you know, I hosted a contest for a signed copy of Hate List and matching swag...There were 81 people who entered and thank you so much to those 81!!! Unfortunately there is only one winner...the winner is... *drum roll*

Stephanie @ Stark Raving Bibliophile!

Congrats Steph! I've emailed you already. If you don't get back to me in 48 hours, I'll have to pick a new winner.

And for those of you who didn't win, there's still another contest you can join! It's the Just One Wish to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend Contest. It's for a signed copy of Just One Wish and How To Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend; both by Janette Rallison.

Peace, Love, and Winners,
my signature

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My 2010 Debut Author Challenge List!

Hey guys, loads of you are participating in The Story Siren's 2010 I'm thinking 'why the heck not?!?' It's currently my second challenge and I'm pretty excited to get started =) Hope you guys join in the fun! Go to this post to sign up and this post to see what it's all about!

Here's some info on it:
    * The objective is to read a set number of YA (Young Adult) or MG (Middle Grade) novels from debut authors published this year.* I'm going to challenge everyone to read at least 12 debut novels! I’m hoping to read at least 30! You don’t have to list your choices right away, but if you do feel free to change them throughout the year. I will also be focusing on mostly Young Adult novels.
    * Anyone can join, you don’t need a blog to participate. If you don’t have a blog you can always share your views by posting a review on, or any other bookish site.
    * The challenge will run from January 1, 2010- December 31, 2010. You can join at anytime!
Anyway, here's my reading list. I've already read a few debut 2010s, so I think I'm kind of cheating (hehe)...
Bold = Read
Normal = Own

1. The Naughty List by Suzanne Young
2. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
3. The Vinyl Princess by Yvonne Prinz
4. The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
5. Sea by Heidi R. Kling
6. Restoring Harmony by Joelle Anthony
7. Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus
8. Harmonic Feedback by Tara Kelly
9. Epitaph Road by David Patneaude
10. The Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy
11. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
12. The Beautiful Between by Alyssa B. Sheinmel
13. All the Unquiet Things by Anna Jarzab
14. Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves
15. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
16. A Match Made In High School by Kristin Walker
17. Magic Under Glass by Jackie Dolamore
18. The Tension of Opposites by Kristina McBride

I'll be updating this, so it isn't final yet...My aim is to read and review about 30 debut authors this year...I have A LOT to do for this challenge!!! And I can't wait to get started...well, restart, because I'm cheating...kinda...oh, well, you get the point =)

Peace, Love, and 2010 Rockin' Debs,
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Please Read! I'm SUPER SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys!

As you noticed, I haven't been posting a lot the past two weeks. That's because I have these problems:

1. No internet (we just moved)
2. My laptop isn't working (charger is broken)
3. I get up at 4 in the morning because the bus picks me up at 5:40 (horrid, I know!)
4. Semester exams this week (ARGHHH!!!)
5. I get home at 7pm because I have basketball practice (fun, but a big annoyance!)
6. TONS of projects (HELP!)
7. Stress (seriously, my friends say that I look like I haven't slept in a long time...basically, I look like crap! Hehe!)

So I just want to ask you guys a question...

Will you forgive me??? *puppy dog eyes*
I will totally add blogging to my school work if that's what it takes!!!!!! I love all of you guys!!!!! Thanks so much for your support and for, hopefully, believing in me!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so grateful to you all =)

Peace, Love, and Exams (ugh!),
my signature

Author Uncovered: Janette Rallison (Author Interview)

Hey guys! I know this is super late, but better late than never right? I'm interviewing Janette today. She's nice, she's awesome, and, of course, she writes UHMAZING books!

How does it feel being a YA author?

Well, I very often feel tired, but that probably isn't what you meant. A lot of authors compare writing a book to having a baby, and I see their point, even if there is a lot less morning sickness involved in writing. (Thank goodness.) It's neat to be able to create characters and stories and see them take on a life. It's also a great feeling to walk into a bookstore and see your novel sitting on the shelf. But in some ways every time I write a book I feel like I've just let readers take a peek into my soul, so there is a lot of vulnerability involved too.

If you could have just one wish, what would it be?

I've always liked the fairy tale about the elves and the cobbler. The cobbler leaves out his work every night and the elves come and finish it for him. I wish I had a few of those elves.

What do you and Giovanna have in common?
Giovanna lets her emotions push her into decissions she later regrets. I'm like that sometimes. Plus we both have really cool guys in our lives. (I've been happily married for 23 years.)

What would you do, if you were in Annika's place in that same situation she was in?
If my little brother was sick and going into surgery, I doubt I'd drive to Hollywood and try to find his idol to come visit him. I'm not that confident in my abilties to track down celebrities. But then, who knows. One of the things that is so frustrating about having a loved one become seriously ill, is that you don't feel there's anything you can do. So it might be tempting to grasp at straws and try to do anything you think could help. I know I would be praying a whole lot.

Book you've faked reading:
The only book I ever faked reading in high school was The Old Man and the Sea. It was just so boring. I mean, it's an entire novel about a guy who goes fishing. So after a few pages, I just read the first sentence of every paragraph. The amazing thing was, I still got an A on that test. Apparently not a lot happened in the rest of the paragraphs.

Book you've bought for the cover:
I have done this, but it's been so long that I don't remember the titles. Now I generally buy books because my author friends wrote them.

Book you're an evangelist for:
Hunger Games. I liked the book so much I told all my friends and family that they had to read it too.

Anything else you'd like to add?
A big thank you to all the readers in the world! Without them, authors wouldn't have a job.

Thanks Janette! It was a fun interview...I especially liked the 'thanks to readers' part. For me, I'd thank the authors! Without them, I'd probably be crazy retarded right now! I can't imagine a world without YA!!!

my signature

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just One Wish by Janette Rallsion

Title: Just One Wish
Author: Janette Rallison
Pages: 272
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Publication Date: March 5, 2009

Seventeen-year-old Annika's little brother, Jeremy, is about to undergo surgery for cancer. The teen promises him that she has a genie that will bring his favorite TV character, Teen Robin Hood, to meet him. In what seems like too much of a sitcom plot, Annika drives several hours, invades the show's set, and persuades its star to come home with her. He's on a tight schedule. Paparazzi attack them. His car breaks down. Steve and Annika fall in love, adding a sweet, but uncertain, romance to the mix. She also learns that he has a family situation of his own to resolve. Questions about the meaning of life and whether there is a caring God give the book heft but don't always jibe with its lighter aspects. Annika is a resourceful, kindhearted heroine, and her Robin Hood has dimension as well.

When Annika's brother is going to get a surgery for cancer, she promises him that she has a genie that will make his wishes come true. But what if his wish is near impossible? Can Annika really 'kidnap' Steve Raleigh, the actor who plays Jeremy's favorite character; the Teen Robin Hood. Is this really an impossible feat? Or is this the start of a new, wonderful adventure? One, two, three, action!

Just One Wish, on the surface, may seem like a light, cliché YA novel, but it is so much more than just that. With meaningful, underlying messages, Janette Rallison tells a wonderful story, proving how far a person would go, for someone they love. Annika and Jeremy's relationship is heartfelt and genuine. Jeremy's perception of everthing is bright and optimistic; that's what drives the novel, along with Annika's entertaining narrative.

The romance and chemistry between Steve and Annika, is more predictable then people would expect because it isn't as realistic as it could have been. Their adventures together, though, makes up for that and will make readers laugh out loud, purely from entertainment!

In Just One Wish, Janette Rallison tells an entertaining story with a great character; Annika is full of spunk, confidence, and determination. As she goes through many obstacles to make Jeremy's wish come true, she falls in love, learns a few tricks, and truly shows how much she loves her brother. Bravo! A =)

The Bottom Line: I want a sister like Annika! =)

---Report Card---
Originality: 6/10
Ending: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 8/10
My reaction/enjoyment: 10/10
Theme: 10/10
Imagery: 9/10
Setting: 5/5
Voice: 5/5
Style: 5/5
Tone: 5/5
Cover: 10/10
Total Score: 93/10o (A)
my signature

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Just One Wish to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend Contest!!! - Author Week (4)

Since it's Janette Rallison Week, I'm hosting a contest for Just One Wish and How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend!!! YAY!!! They're both going to be SIGNED by Janette so that's even better!!! Fill out the form to enter!

-Open to US only! Sorry international peeps!
-This contest will end on December 5 at 4pm (GMT+8) unless this contest doesn't meet at least 35-40 entrants...then, it will be extended.
-The winners will be announced on December 5 or 6.
-I will use The Contest Winner Picker for picking the winners for this contest.
-I have the right to extend or close this contest without any notice.

Good luck guys!

Peace, Love, and Contests,

my signature

Author Week (4) - Janette Rallison Week!!!

Hey guys! This week, I'll be hosting Janette Rallison for Author Week! I'm super hyped up about this week! It's going to be awesome! I have a lot in store for you guys this week! YAY! Here's how it's going to roll:

Monday - Kick off post and Kick off Contest: Just One Wish to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend!
Tuesday - Review of Just One Wish
Wednesday - Interview with Janette
Thursday - None =(
Friday - None =(

I can't wait! This week is going to be so great! Thanks so much for Janette for letting me host her!

***For Authors*** If you're an author who wants to be on Author Week, just email me at! I'd be happy to talk to you about it!

my signature


Hey guys! I know I'm SUPER late for the winners of my (Fallen) Angels (Possessed) Demons Contest. I'm going to be announcing the winner with the winners of the other contests now! So sorry again for the life has just been totally hectic these past few days...Here are the winners:

For the (Fallen) Angels (Possessed) Demons, the winner is..... *drum roll*

For Sleepless, the winner is... *drum roll*

(email entry, no blog)

For A Map of the Known World, the winner is... *drum roll*

Mallory Schenach!
(No blog)

For the Captivate ARC, the winner is... *drum roll*


Congrats to these guys! I've emailed you guys already...and for those of you who didn't win, I still have the Hate List contest for you to join. Good luck! For the winners, if you don't reply to my email within 48 hours, I'll have to pick another winner. Thanks you guys!!!!! Love y'all!

Peace, Love, and Winners,
my signature

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Author Uncovered: Kristina Springer (Author Interviews)

Hey guys! Today, I have Kristina Springer with me! She's the author of the ever-so-wonderful: The Espressologist! It's cute, quirky, and completely original! Here's my Q&A with Kristina. Hope ya like it!

Her book:

Did you always want to become an author?
Yes and no-- I always wanted to be a writer and teach writing but I never thought I'd write fiction. Let alone a whole book. Let alone the seven books I've written since I started writing. I did a lot of technical writing and nonfiction writing after college and then 4 years ago I gave YA fiction writing a try and it just clicked. I love it!

Who or what was your inspiration for The Espressologist?
Coffee and People. And love! <3

How does it feel like, knowing your books are going to be on those bookshelves in a bookstore?
OMG, I'm SO excited!! I can't wait for that first time to walk in a store and see my book!

Did you base any of your characters on real people?
Totally! :-) None of my main characters were based on anyone but as I was writing Espressology night scenes in the book I needed a lot of people to come in and get matched so I was using people that were really walking into the coffee shop that I was sitting in.

The Espressologist sounds completely original. How did you come up with that idea?
Like my main character Jane, I've spent a ton of time in coffeeshops (though not as a barista, just a coffee freak) and one day I realized I could figure out what people were going to order. I thought, hey I should write this up and call it Espressology. Then I thought, no, I'll write a fiction book with a barista who is an Espressologist and have her hook people up.

How are you and Jane alike? How are you different?
OMG, well far starters we share the same favorite drink. :-) And we were both bad with guys at that age. I had some socially awkward situations like Jane too. And cleaning turkeys also freak me out like her. But other than that, Jane is way cooler and cuter and funnier than I ever was at 17.

What is your favorite type of drink?
Large nonfat iced mocha with no whip

Do you have any upcoming books apart from The Espressologist?
Yes! My Fake Boyfriend is Better Than Yours comes out in the fall of 2010.

Anything else you want to add?
Thanks so much for having me Reggie! Fun questions!

Thank you Kristina! I can't wait for her next book in 2010!

Peace, Love, Coffee,
my signature

The Espressologist by Krisitina Springer

Title: The Espressologist
Author: Kristina Springer
Pages: 192
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Publication Date: October 27, 2009

***Note: This is the ARC cover =)***

What’s your drink of choice? Is it a small pumpkin spice latte? Then you’re lots of fun and a bit sassy. Or a medium americano? You prefer simplicity in life. Or perhaps it’s a small decaf soy sugar-free hazelnut caffe latte? Some might call you a yuppie. Seventeen-year-old barista Jane Turner has this theory that you can tell a lot about a person by their regular coffee drink. She scribbles it all down in a notebook and calls it Espressology. So it’s not a totally crazy idea when Jane starts hooking up some of her friends based on their coffee orders. Like her best friend, Em, a medium hot chocolate, and Cam, a toffee nut latte. But when her boss, Derek, gets wind of Jane’s Espressology, he makes it an in-store holiday promotion, promising customers their perfect matches for the price of their favorite coffee. Things are going better than Derek could ever have hoped, so why is Jane so freaked out? Does it have anything to do with Em dating Cam? She’s the one who set them up! She should be happy for them, right?

While Jane's busy skipping school and going to work at Wired Joe's, the café. But it's not all lost, she's working on something called Espressology. One of her first experiments is on her best friend Em. She matches her up with Cam, a sweet guy from her class, based on their drinks. Em and him seem happy together and Em tells Derek, her manager, about Espressology. Soon, Derekis interested in hosting it for a shop promotion. She matches more and more couples and the business is blooming; even a talkshow wants to feature Jane's Espressology. Everything is perfect...but why is she feeling not so sure about matching Cam and Em? Em is her best friend; Jane should be happy for them...right?

Light, sweet, and frothy, The Espressologist is a cute, quick read about a girl trying to find her match. Jane is a fun protagonist and her narrative is quirky and hilarious. The novel mostly focused on Jane, but the rest of the characters are funny and original. The only problem is that the other characters aren't emphasized as much as they should be.

The premise of this book is what caught my eye. The idea of Espressology itself is romantic and charming...just like the book! Springer's writing style is authentic and as quirky as a teenager's. The whole atmosphere of the book is captured perfectly by her writing style.

The cover's catch-line "Get a little love with your latte" completely matches the whole book. Overall, The Espressologist is a cleverly creative debut! Kristina Springer shows the world that debut authors have more originality than meets the eye! My favorite drink is a small, decaf, upside down caramel macchiatto. I'm wondering who my match is... A+ =)

The Bottom Line: Loved it! This book is going to be like my favorite cup of coffee; just the way I like it!

---Report Card---
Originality: 10/10
Ending: 10/10
Characters: 8/10
Plot: 10/10
My reaction/enjoyment: 10/10
Theme: 10/10
Imagery: 9/10
Setting: 5/5
Voice: 5/5
Style: 5/5
Tone: 5/5
Cover: 10/10
Total Score: 97/100 (A+)

my signature

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Swoon-Worthy: Endless Summer by Jennifer Echols

OMG! OMG! It's not very often that I post a new cover up on the blog...but, here is one book that I'm (impatiently!) waiting for! It's Endless Summer by Jennifer Echols...the sequel to her other RoCom, The Boys Next Door. Here is the totally swoon-worthy cover:

ARGHHH! IT'S SO FREAKING FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!! You can pre-order it here!

Get the code for the countdown widget (also on my sidebar) over here!

Peace, Love, and Kick-Ass Covers,
my signature

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fallen by Lauren Kate

Title: Fallen (Book 1)
Author: Lauren Kate
Pages: 464
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: December 8, 2009

There's something achingly familiar about Daniel Grigori.

Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price's attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah, Georgia. He's the one bright spot in a place where cell phones are forbidden, the other students are all screw-ups, and security cameras watch every move.

Even though Daniel wants nothing to do with Luce--and goes out of his way to make that very clear--she can't let it go. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, she has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret . . . even if it kills her.

Cryptic and devilishly secretive, Daniel Grigori wants nothing to do with Luce Price...if only she would listen. His dark, mysterious allure magnetizes her into an almost-obsession. Little does she know that she and Daniel are doomed lovers; destined to meet each other again and again in his immortal life. Now, something has broken the 'cycle' and their lives are in danger. Will they finally be together? Will they overcome everything that threatens to tear them apart? Will they ever, get their 'happily ever after'?

Fallen is an epic love story about two star-crossed lovers cursed for eternity. When Luce enters the dreary halls of Sword & Cross reform school, the first thing that catches her eye is the rebellious Daniel, whom she finds a strange attraction to. He does whatever it takes to avoid her, but they keep crossing paths, and Luce is wondering why it feels like she knows Daniel. Maybe from her childhood? Maybe from school? Or maybe, just maybe, she knows him from another life...

The relationship between Daniel and Luce is truly addicting and ever fluctuating. The tension when both characters interact fits the whole atmosphere of the book. Luce, stubborn and curious, is a solid protagonist fitted perfectly with Daniel. At the beginning, Daniel is an enigma, but as the novel progresses, Lauren Kate unravels more of his history through Luce's 'stalking'. Even if Daniel is infuriating, Luce can't help but find him infatuating and irresistible.

Though Luce's mindset is on being with Daniel, there's also Cam. Cam is the total opposite of Daniel. He's bright, cheery, and intent on getting Luce for himself. Luce leads him on accidentally, only wanting to stay friends but she ends up entangled and being fought over by Daniel himself and Cam. Who will win? Maybe, they're fighting for more than just her love...

Fallen is full of mystery, suspense, and dark allure. The plot and conflict of the characters, against the backdrop of the prison-like Sword & Cross makes Fallen an exiting, fast-paced read. Who says Luce is the only one that can fall for the fallen? A+ =) Beholder of the Perfect 100!!!

The Bottom Line: Move over vamps! Fallen angels are the new HOTT! Fallen is probably the best paranormal romance I've read...rivaling Hush, Hush and Gena Showalter's Teen Alien Huntress series! *sigh* Daniel, Patch, list of paranormal crushes is becoming longer...who next? I can't wait for the next in the Fallen series; Torment, which is sold in stores September...2010! That's crazy long!!!!!!! It's a good thing I like re-reading! I think that Fallen might be read about probably 800 times! It's that good =)

---Report Card---
Originality: 10/10
Ending: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 10/10
My reaction/enjoyment: 10/10
Theme: 10/10
Imagery: 10/10
Setting: 5/5
Voice: 5/5
Style: 5/5
Tone: 5/5
Cover: 10/10
Total Score: 100/100 (A+) !!!This, Going too Far, and Perfect Chemistry are the only title-holders for The Holy Grail: Beholder of the perfect 100!!!

my signature

Notices and Delays (Unfortunately)

Hey peeps! This post is just a notice about my contests and other things happening in the now. First off, I'm sorry I haven't posted the winner yet for my Fallen Angels and Possessed Demons contest. I've already tallied everything up and will post up the winner soon. I'm super sorry about this! I have exams in two weeks and I have MAP testing this week along with my French test (ugh!) so I've been pretty bogged down. I have a Geo field trip to a volcano and I have basketball practice this week! Also, I extended the Sleepless contest because I'm waiting for a weekend to free up. Last weekend was hectic with my badminton training and family events...Again, I'm super sorry =( I promise I'll be more active!

Peace, Love, and Hellish School Stuff,
my signature

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Signed Copy of Hate List by Jennifer Brown + Swag Contest!!!

Hey guys! Jennifer has generously given me the opportunity to host a contest for a signed copy of Hate List, signed bookmarks, and an "Agent of Change" silicone bracelet here on this blog! YAY! To enter, just fill out the form below!

-Open to US only! Sorry international peeps!
-This contest will end on November 26 at 4pm (GMT+8) unless this contest doesn't meet at least 35-40 entrants...then, it will be extended.
-The winners will be announced on November 26 or 27.
-I will use The Contest Winner Picker for picking the winners for this contest.
-I have the right to extend or close this contest without any notice.

Good luck guys!

Peace, Love, and Contests,
my signature

Author Uncovered: Jennifer Brown (Author Interview)

Hey people! Here at TUBL, we have Jennifer Brown joining us! YAY! She's the author of Hate List, a stunning book that I loved! Here's a quick glimpse into her life:

Her Books:

Did you always want to become an author?
Actually, no. I wanted to be a teacher, and then when I got to college, I changed my mind, majored in psychology, and planned to maybe be a counselor someday. It wasn't until I was in my late 20s that I began to seriously consider writing for a living. And even then... I thought I'd mostly be a humor columnist.

Who or what was your inspiration for Hate List?
There were a lot of things that came together all at once to inspire Hate List. But mostly it went like this: I was sort of randomly thinking about school shootings -- wondering some things -- and then I went to bed. The Nickelback song, "If Everyone Cared" was just getting popular at the time and was on the radio a lot, and for whatever reason it got stuck in my head while I was sleeping. Usually I'm super-annoyed when a song gets stuck in my head while I'm trying to sleep, but in this case it was all right because I woke up with the plot for Hate List in my head.

How does it feel like, knowing your books are going to be on those bookshelves in a bookstore?
A little surreal, very scary. I'm kind of shy and tend to hide from attention. So I'm nervous, of course, but I'm also in awe. I've always, even as a little kid, really really looked up to authors. And now... I'm one of them. Weird.

Did you base any of your characters on real people?
Actually, yes. My husband is a psychologist, and he really was the basis for Dr. Hieler, Valerie's awesome and lovable therapist.

Any nicknames we might come across if we delved into your past?
Well, I went by "Jennie" all the way from birth until college. My mom called me "Deenie" when I was a kid, and an old friend called me "Jennicup" in high school. My sister calls me "Jennis," and my husband has always called me "Angel."

If you weren’t an author, what would your dream job be?
Well, if I'm getting all dreamy like, it could never EVER happen in a billion years... I'd be an archaeologist. And not just any archaeologist, either. An archaeologist like Indiana Jones, all adventurey and with cool theme music and a leather hat and stuff. But if we're being realistic and I had to get another job other than writing, I'd probably go back to college, get my teaching certificate, and teach.

What authors do you like to read?
You know, I really like to read anything and everything. I have a few authors that I guess you'd call "favorites" in that I read everything they write -- Kent Haruf is one. Marian Keyes is another. Sarah Dessen, of course. I've read all of Janet Evanovich's books and all of Stephen King's books. But I like to sort of discover books without knowing much of anything about them or about their authors. I'm constantly in the library, and I love to pick a book at random and take it home to read it without reading any of the jacket copy or knowing anything about the book at all. I also like to choose a theme or subject and read everything in the library on that subject. For example, when I was in my 20s I decided I was going to read the entire section on the Vietnam war in my local library, so I did (it took me a loooong time). Another year I decided I was going to read nothing other than debut novels. That was the year I read The Time Traveler's Wife (one of my all-time favorite books). I went through a summer-long phase of reading nothing but classics, too. As you can tell, I'm a constant reader. I may even enjoy reading more than writing.

What's the best piece of advice you like to give to aspiring, young authors?
Don't give up! There are a ton of writers out there who will tell you the dream is dead... publishing is dying... you will never be noticed unless you know someone... you can't get in through a slush pile. It's all crap. I'm proof. Don't listen to those people. If you want it and you work at it, you will have it. Not you "can" have it; you "will" have it. Believe that.

Do you have any upcoming books apart from Hate List?
*grins* There may be an announcement about something along those lines coming up in the next few weeks (hint: watch my blog!)

That's it! Hehe! I can't wait for Jennifer's next book!

Peace, Love, and Love Lists,
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Hate List by Jennifer Brown

Title: Hate List
Author: Jennifer Brown
Pages: 416
Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: September 1, 2009

Five months ago, Valerie Leftman's boyfriend, Nick, opened fire on their school cafeteria. Shot trying to stop him, Valerie inadvertently saved the life of a classmate, but was implicated in the shootings because of the list she helped create. A list of people and things she and Nick hated. The list he used to pick his targets.

Now, after a summer of seclusion, Val is forced to confront her guilt as she returns to school to complete her senior year. Haunted by the memory of the boyfriend she still loves and navigating rocky relationships with her family, former friends and the girl whose life she saved, Val must come to grips with the tragedy that took place and her role in it, in order to make amends and move on with her life.

Valerie's life comes crashing down when Nick, the guys she supposedly loved, opened fired in the school Commons. He shot Mr. Kline, he shot Ginny, he shot Chris, and lots of other people. And the reason? The Hate List; a list that Valerie and Nick created. The list that entangles Valerie into the investigation. The list that compromises her innocence. Most people say it's as good as killing them herself. When she goes back to school, after six long months, she is greeted with cold stares and evil glares. She is known as the girl who helped kill those eight people. Her nickname really comes alive; Sister Death. But what will you do if you were in her place? What would you do if you really are innocent?

Every once in a while, there's a book that will completely stand out and blow up in your face. Hate List is a book that utterly does that.

School shootings aren't that uncommon these days. We hear more and more incidents concerning deaths caused by open fire shooting at schools. Hate List is a book that deals with the post-trauma of the incident. Through Valerie's narrative, we navigate through everything that she has to deal with; the guilt, the misjudgments, the distrust. She is forced to recover amidst an atmosphere of hate and unjust predicaments presented to her unjustly by her peers and teachers.

Family plays a big role in Hate List. Most of the time, I resent Valerie's family for their distrust and disgust in her when she did nothing wrong. Nick was the one who shot people, not Valerie. Even though she helped with the list, she didn't mean for anything to happen. Don't we all say or do things we don't mean? Valerie's father was the one character who was supposed to be supportive; but instead, he says he will never forgive her. He is completely insensitive to everybody's feelings but his own.

Brown reveals what really happens in the shooting, through alternating tenses between the past and the present. Subtly, Brown hints at what Nick really plans to do while Valerie is oblivious--with love--to see the signs that his life is a downward spiral, leaking with death and quiet but deadly anger. Nick is like a bomb, ticking, and waiting to explode.

Emotional and completely powerful, Hate List is a solid, tragic, and unforgettable debut with messages about guilt, grief, and facing obstacles in the real world. Here, Jennifer Brown evokes poignant emotions and brings us on a journey that ultimately teaches us how to move on. A+ =)

The Bottom Line: Everyone should read this. Valerie makes hard-as-hell decisions that I could never make. Hate List is one of those novels that people will not hate at all; in fact, probably the opposite. It's not on my 'hate list'. It's on my 'love list'.

---Report Card---
Originality: 10/10
Ending: 7/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 10/10
My reaction/enjoyment: 10/10
Theme: 10/10
Imagery: 10/10
Setting: 4/5
Voice: 5/5
Style: 4/5
Tone: 5/5
Cover: 10/10
Total Score: 95/100 (A+)
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Mini Review - Song of the Sparrow by Lisa Sandell

Hey peeps! I don't usually do mini-reviews...I only do them when I haven't completely finished the book. This will be my first one, and it's going to be really are only about a paragraph or it goes.

Song of the Sparrow is a completely lyical, and enchanting verse novel, retelling the story of Aurthurian legend. The poetic verses that tell the story is completely breathtaking. Sandell weaves her way through a rich, magnificent tale through Elaine's authentic eyes. Beautifully written, this verse novel is a truly epic tale about legendary figures and is a completely original take on Aurthurian legend.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Author Uncovered: Lisa Sandell (Author Interview)

Hey everyone! This week, I'm hosting Lisa Sandell, the author of some really amazing books! Lisa was nice enough to let me interview her, so, here it goes!

Her Books:

Did you always want to become an author?
For as long as I can remember I have always been a voracious reader. At some point, I think when I was around six or seven years old, I decided I wanted to tell stories, too. From that point on, I knew I wanted to be an author.

What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses as an author?
I think my strengths are in weaving scenes—describing details like scents and tastes and sights and sounds—as well as creating characters who readers want to empathize with. One of my great weaknesses is, when I’m actually writing, I have a very hard time with being overly critical and I can rewrite the same sentence for an entire day, just trying to perfect it. It’s hard to make progress when that happens!

What's the most interesting thing a reader has ever said to you?
I think the most wonderful thing a reader has ever said to me is that while she does not typically like to read at all, reading one of my books made her want to read more, to explore other books. Hearing something like that is truly awesome.

Do you have any must-haves when you're writing?
Music. I will pick one album, usually a Bob Dylan album, and just listen to it over and over and over again while I write, for the duration. It drives my husband crazy!

How does it feel like, knowing your books are on those bookshelves in a bookstore?
Amazing. There really isn’t a word to capture how thrilling it is, to see a dream that I’ve had for my whole life actualized. It’s pretty cool.

If you had to be any character (any at all!), who would it be? Why?
I think I would pick King Arthur. He’s just so good. Of course, he meets with a tragic end (I won’t spoil it for anyone who doesn’t already know), but he embodies all of the qualities that make humanity good. He’s courageous and strong and generous and thoughtful. He cares about his friends and his subjects. He believes in equality and egalitarianism and fairness. He’s a great leader and a great person. And he gets to go on all kinds of cool quests.

What are your ten, most favorite things?
Wow, this is an interesting question—well, here goes, in no particular order!
1. Thunderstorms
2. My family
3. All of my friends
4. My dog, Molly
5. Riding my bike along the river on a sunny day
6. The beach, in rain or sunshine
7. The American Museum of Natural History (in NYC)
8. Books
9. S’mores
10. Huddling on the couch with a book and a mug of hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day or on a stormy night, with my dog and my husband nearby.

What is your typical day?
I wake up at around 7:30, get dressed, walk my dog, and ride my bike to work. Then I am at work (I work as a book editor) for most of the day, and when it’s quitting time, I either go out with friends, or I go home, walk my dog again and sit down to do work. I usually stay up till around 1am writing. And I’ll admit it, I’m also a sucker for bad TV.

Do you have any upcoming books? Are you working on something else?
I am working on a new book, but it’s in its very early stages, and so I don’t want to reveal too much. However, I will say it will be another YA novel with a fabulous, kick-butt heroine!

Ohh! I wonder what Lisa's new book will be about! I'm hoping to read more by this fabulous author!

Peace, Love, and Maps of the Known World (hehe),
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Map of the Known World by Lisa Sandell

Title: A Map of the Known World
Author: Lisa Sandell
Pages: 272
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Publication Date: April 15, 2009

Cora Bradley dreams of escape. Ever since her reckless older brother, Nate, died in a car crash, Cora has felt suffocated by her small town and high school. She seeks solace in drawing beautiful maps, envisioning herself in exotic locales. When Cora begins to fall for Damian, the handsome, brooding boy who was in the car with Nate the night he died, she uncovers her brother's secret artistic life and realizes she had more in common with him than she ever imagined. This is the tale of one girl's journey through the redemptive powers of art, friendship, and love.

Cora has already lost her brother. After Nate's death, her life crumbles and falls apart. Her parents are distant and emotionally unstable. They're not the happy family they used to be; their dinners, full of life and sometimes fights in the past, are now overcome with the shrill, horrible, sound of silence. She dreams of getting away, she dreams of exploring her map of the known world. As she goes back to school, stares are pointed her way. She is known as 'the girl who has a dead brother'. But surprisingly, she fells a deep connection with Damien---an artist---who was Nate's best friend and the one who was with him in the car on the night he died. She starts to fall for him...Will she finally move on and open her heart?

A Map of the Known World is a canvas, drawn with lines of raw emotion, shaded with the lesson of love. Sandell introduces a cast of complicated, three-dimensional characters that ultimately, learns to move on with their lives. Cora is a passionate and complex protagonist that just wants to escape in a town that is suffocating her. She uses art to express herself and discovers how her brother was; without the façade of a rebellious kid, on his way to completely ruining his life. She sees that he was a true artist.

Art plays an important role in the novel. Sandell describes everything beautifully and vividly through a flawless lyrical prose. Reading A Map of the Known World is like discovering everything all over again...through different, grief-stricken eyes that have gone through so much. Cora and Damien are the two lights, illuminating the darkness that surrounded Nate's death; so full of hope. Helena is also a great character that guides Cora and eventually becomes a true, loyal friend.

The cover is so distinct. You won't understand what it's there for, at first. But as you uncover more and more about the enigma that is Nate, the significance of it is truly sentimental. It's a representation of the fact that Nate's life was important and his talent held lots of potential. The heart with junk is a representation that he will never be forgotten. It's just like him actually; at first glance, it's just junk, but as you really look inside, you find something completely beautiful; the unknown.

A Map of the Known World is a great book full of wonder, awe, and most importantly, friendship. Lisa Sandell creates benevolently complex characters, crafts a heart-breaking story, and delivers the message that you can learn to live again and open your heart. A+ =)

The Bottom Line: I loved it. It is beautiful. That's all I need to say.

---Report Card---
Originality: 10/10
Ending: 8/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 10/10
My reaction/enjoyment: 10/10
Theme: 10/10
Imagery: 10/10
Setting: 5/5
Voice: 5/5
Style: 5/5
Tone: 5/5
Cover: 10/10
Total Score: 98/100 (A+)

my signature

Monday, November 2, 2009

Signed Copy of A Map of The Known World Contest!!! - Author Week (3)

Hey guys! Lisa has generously given me the opportunity to give away a signed copy of A Map of the Known World here on this blog for Lisa Sandell Week! YAY! To enter, just fill out the form below!

-Open to US only! Sorry international peeps!
-This contest will end on November 14 at 4pm (GMT+8) unless this contest doesn't meet at least 35-40 entrants...then, it will be extended.
-The winners will be announced on November 14 or 15.
-I will use The Contest Winner Picker for picking the winners for this contest.
-I have the right to extend or close this contest without any notice.

Good luck guys!

Peace, Love, and Contests,
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Author Week (3) - Lisa Sandell Week!!!

Hey guys! This week, I'm hosting Lisa Sandell on my blog! You know me, I don't host authors unless I like or love their books! In this case, let's just say that Lisa's books have inspired me so much that I look them over once (*ahem* thrice) every night! Here's the low-down for this week's author week:

Monday - Author Week Kickoff post and Contest for a Signed copy of A Map of The Known World!

Wednesday - None
Thursday - Interview with Lisa
Friday - Mini review of Song of the Sparrow

That's it! I'm going to be updating this post a lot with the links for all of the posts ^above^. Just come here if you need to find anything relating to Lisa Sandell Week!

***For Authors*** If you're an author who wants to be on Author Week, just email me at! I'd be happy to talk to you about it!

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