Monday, November 30, 2009

Author Uncovered: Suzanne Young (Author Interview)

Hey folks! I have my first tenner here with me today; Suzanne Young! The fabulous author of The Naughty List! Suzanne was nice to let me interview (*ahem* torture her with my questions) her! Thanks Suzanne =)

Did you always want to become an author?
No. I’ve always loved writing, but I was hoping more for theatre. But, yeah. That didn’t work out. But I did go to school for creative writing which was a great decision. It made college completely enjoyable!

What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses as an author?
I love writing lots of different types of novels—so I think my flexibility really works. I like to mix the light and dark and really try to do original things. My weakness? I’m impatient and drive everyone crazy. What can I say? It’s a gift.

What's the most interesting thing a reader has ever said to you?
I once had someone ask me if the book was about her ex-boyfriend. Um, no. It wasn’t. ha ha

Do you have any must-haves when you're writing?
Reese’s Pieces. Seriously, I could eat the heck out of those things.

How does it feel like, knowing your books are going to be on those bookshelves in a bookstore?
I don’t think I believe it yet. Some days I’m sure that books will become obsolete before my turn. But on other days, I’m pretty stoked. It’s my dream come true.

Did you base any of your characters on real people?
Nope. Only the History teacher who was loosely based on a professor of mine. But other than that, everyone is a figment of my imagination.

What are your five most favorite things?
1. Febreeze
2. Hot dogs
3. Staying in hotels
4. Reese’s Pieces
5. Popcorn at the movies

What is your typical day?
It’s really not very glamorous. I usually get my kiddies ready for school and then after they’re gone, I surf the net for hours, write a bit. Rinse. Repeat. Occasionally I go out to meet with some of the fabulous writers in Portland.

Do you have any upcoming books apart from The Naughty List? Are you working on something else?
I have four books coming out with Razorbill. After that, we’ll see. I definitely have lots of books, but which will be next is the question.

Looks like Suzanne is my type of author! I love Reese's Pieces too! And I can't wait for the other books that this fabulous author has in store for us!

Peace, Love, and Debut Authors,
my signature


Bianca November 30, 2009 at 1:49 PM  

YAH! She has four books coming out after The Naughty List!! I'm wicked excited to read it!

Daisy Whitney November 30, 2009 at 2:05 PM  

And I can tell you SO MANY BOYS (The Naughty List 2) is terrific!

brizmus November 30, 2009 at 6:59 PM  

LOL! Febreeze is on her list of favorite things. That is just hilarious.
How exciting that she has four more books coming out!

Donna Gambale December 1, 2009 at 2:26 AM  

Great interview! So happy we'll be seeing much more of Suzanne in the near future!

Anonymous,  December 1, 2009 at 7:38 AM  

Hi :)
Thank you very much for the excellent interview with Suzanne. I am SO looking forward to The Naughty List. It seems like I've been waiting forever. :)
All the best,

Just Your Typical Book Blog December 1, 2009 at 8:27 AM  

Great interview! I cannot wait until my copy of Naughty List is in my hands - I've been wanting to read it for what seems like forever now!

Anonymous,  December 1, 2009 at 8:46 AM  

Fun interview!

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