This is going to be my Best of 2009 post! There are 14 categories: Best Romance, Best Mystery, Best Drama, Best Cover, Best Emotionally-Evoking, Best Writing, Best Summer-Read, Best Comedy, Best Debut, Best Paranormal, Best Suspense, Best Series, The Best Book (Of the Year), and The Best Author of the Year!
Best Romance:
The criteria for "Best Romance" had to be the most real and intimate book. The chemistry between the characters had to be perfect (hint, hint). The "Best Romance" award goes to....

Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles!!!
If you've read my review, you'd think I was obsessed! Perfect Chemistry fully deserves this award!
Best Mystery:
The criteria for "Best Mystery" is the most mysterious book that only reveals untangled secrets at the end without being obvious. It had to be full of unpredictability and excitement. The award of "Best Mystery" goes to...

Raven by Allison Ban Diepen!!! It's fast-paced, unique, and utterly heart-stopping! This is a fantastic read!
Best Drama:
The criteria for "Best Drama" is the book with the most realistic characters that suffer and encounter loads of obstacles and drama. The award for "Best Drama" goes to...
Taken by Storm by Angela Morrison!!! It's an emotional story with characters that suffer from memories and obstacles that keep them apart. Beautiful and dramatic, Taken by Storm is completely worthy for this award!
Best Cover:
The criteria for "Best Cover" is the book that has the most swoon-worthy cover. It has to be one of those covers that make you double take and go 'woah'. The award for "Best Cover" goes to...
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick!!! Is anyone else swooning over the cover? It's absolutely gorgeous!
Best Emotionally-Evoking:
The criteria for "Best Emotionally-Evoking" is the book that elicits the most emotion and reaction from the reader. The "Best Emotionally-Evoking" award goes to...
Sing Me to Sleep by Angela Morrison!!! I know, I know...why is a 2010 book in the Best of 2009?!? Well, this just shows how fantastic a book Sing Me to Sleep really is!
Best Writing:
The criteria for "Best Writing" is the book that has the perfect tone, the flawless delivery, and the mesmerizing mood and atmosphere. The award for "Best Writing" goes to...
Sea Change by Aimee Friedman!!! Not only was Sea Change running for "Best Cover" as well, but the writing is simply perfect! The summery-reminiscent mood of the book was matched extremely well with its other compelling elements!
Best Summer-Read:
The criteria for "Best Summer-Read" is the book with the most relaxing, awesome summer ever! The award for "Best Summer-Read" goes to...
The Boys Next Door by Jennifer Echols!!! This romantic comedy is the perfect summer read!
Best Comedy: The criteria for "Best Comedy" is the book that is most hilarious and cringe-but-it's-funny! The award for "Best Comedy" goes to...
How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend by Janette Rallison!!! This book made me laugh out loud and cry! This is one awesome book!
Best Debut:
The criteria for "Best Debut" is the best debut book of 2009! The award for "Best Debut" goes to...
Fallen by Lauren Kate!!! I already can't wait for the next book in this fantastic paranormal series!
Best Paranormal:
The criteria for "Best Paranormal" is the book that makes me want to actually be in the position of the other-worldly being and isn't the usual cliché we encounter nowadays. Of course, it has to have great characters, romance, and an awesome plot-line! The award for "Best Paranormal" goes to...
My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent!!! Kaylee is one unique bean sidhe! I love it!
Best Suspense:
The criteria of "Best Suspense" is the most edge-of-seat, fingernail-biting worthy book. The award of "Best Suspense" goes to...
Blacklisted by Gena Showalter!!! It's exciting, sexy, and action-packed! What more do you need!?!?
And now, for the biggest awards here at TUBL...Best Series, Best Book of the Year, and Best Author of the Year...
Best Series:
The criteria for "Best Series" is the series that has it all: the great chemistry, great writing, great cover, great plot, and great characters. It's a really big deal to win this! The award for "Best Series" goes to...

The Dream Catcher Trilogy by Lisa McMann!!! I've just recently discovered this series and I absolutely LOVED it!!!!!!!!!The Best Book (Of the Year):
The criteria for "Best Book (Of the Year)" would have to be the most impressive and amazing book ever. It's also one of my absolute favorites. Without further ado, the "The Best Book (Of the Year)" award goes to...
The Pace by Shelena Shorts!!! This is probably really unexpected and you might not agree with me, but The Pace just blew me away completely! Everything was perfect! I was stunned at how amazing this was after I finished it! I can't wait for the next in the series-The Broken Lake!!! Best Author of the Year:The criteria for "Best Author of the Year" is the author with 1 or more books in the list of Best Of 2009 and funnest to talk to! The official "Best Author of the Year" for 2009 is...
Angela Morrison!!! She is an amazing author with two books in this list! Taken by Storm took home "Best Drama", while Sing Me to Sleep was a 2010 exception that snagged "Best Emotionally-Evoking". Plus, she's fun to talk to =)Hope you guys like my Best of... list!!! I'm excited in welcoming the book year of 2010 soon! 2010 will have much in store for all of us!
Peace, Love, and Lists,