Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Author Uncovered: Nancy Werlin (Author Interview)

Hey guys! Today, I have with me Nancy Werlin, author of Impossible. Thanks to Nancy who took the time to answer my questions!

Did you ever base any of your characters on anybody?
No, I make them all up. On the other hand, I've had the thought that in one way or another, they are all me.

The concept of Impossible is very unique, how did the song inspire you to write a book around it?
Thank you for asking. I wrote a long essay answering this question, and it's on my web site, here: http://nancywerlin.com/impossible.htm#gpm1_3.

Book you've faked reading?
Ulysses by James Joyce.

Books you're an evangelist for?
DAMAGE by A.M. Jenkins and STAINED by Jennifer Richard Jacobson.

Book you've bought for the cover?
GRACELING by Kristin Cashore. But the insides are worth the price, too.

How does it feel being an author?
It's the one job I always wanted, since I was old enough to know what it was. It feels wonderful to know that I have made it happen by keeping on writing, through thick and thin, good times and bad, despair and happiness. I hope I always will. It never gets any easier to sit down and do the work -- not for me, anyway.

What's the most interesting thing a reader has ever said to you?
I have been very moved by the people who have told me that THE RULES OF SURVIVAL was, in fact, their life.

What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses as a writer?
My biggest weakness is laziness. Often I would rather do almost anything else than sit down and write. I have to fight that with every book. As to strength, well, that's harder to say. I feel as if my writing has changed so much over time, and I have needed different skills for every book. So maybe the strength I value most is that I have learned this and adjusted to it, so that I don't expect to know everything in advance with a new project. I now trust that I can learn what I need along the way.

I totally get what she means with laziness...I'm the ultimate procrastinator!

Peace, Love, and Authors,
my signature


Anonymous,  December 2, 2009 at 10:01 AM  

Hi :)
Thank you very much for the fun interview with Nancy Werlin & thanks to Nancy for sharing. I enjoyed learning a bit more about her.
All the best,

Stephanie December 3, 2009 at 12:38 AM  

Her comment that people have told her that The Rules of Survival was their LIFE ... wow, that took my breath away. Even though I have a background in human services, working with "at risk" kids, and I shouldn't be surprised. Heartbreaking. My daughter (who was 14 at the time) read that book and convinced me to read it too. We've also read Are You Alone on Purpose?, and I have Impossible on my bedside table. Thanks for the terrific interview with an outstanding YA author!

Ladytink_534 December 5, 2009 at 5:55 PM  

These are great questions (and answers!). I'm a lazybones too if I'm not careful :)

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