Back from the Dead: Returning from the LONGEST hiatus EVER
So it's been about 3ish years give or take since I last posted on this blog. And that's on me. I guess school work, college apps, and life in general just took over and I didn't have time for TUBL anymore. When I started this blog back in 2009 as an eighth grader, it became such a big part of my life and it was a large part of my routine until 2011 when I got to my junior year and had to start worrying about college apps, my school work load, my varsity badminton team, etc. I was doing so many things that I was already stretching myself way too thin. If I continued my blog then, the quality of my reviews and posts would really have suffered. And no matter what, I do not want to compromise the quality of this blog. But now that I'm in college and the work load isn't as heavy, I finally have time again to write reviews and just get to know you guys in general.
With coming back though, some things will be changing on this blog as well. The Undercover Book Lover will not only be reviewing YA books, but New Adult, Mystery, Classics, Crime, etc. books as well. Since my hiatus, my reading tastes have matured and so will this blog. However, YA will still be a main focus for me.
I never realized how much I miss blogging and writing reviews, so I'm excited once again to come back from my 3-year hiatus. Posts will be 3-5 times a week starting MAY. TUBL is currently in construction but will be back to normal when I start posting on MAY.
Thanks guys!
It's good to be back :)
My updated other accounts are:
Instagram: @reginacruise
With coming back though, some things will be changing on this blog as well. The Undercover Book Lover will not only be reviewing YA books, but New Adult, Mystery, Classics, Crime, etc. books as well. Since my hiatus, my reading tastes have matured and so will this blog. However, YA will still be a main focus for me.
I never realized how much I miss blogging and writing reviews, so I'm excited once again to come back from my 3-year hiatus. Posts will be 3-5 times a week starting MAY. TUBL is currently in construction but will be back to normal when I start posting on MAY.
Thanks guys!
It's good to be back :)
My updated other accounts are:
Instagram: @reginacruise