iClue Mystery Two - Violet's Mystery!!!
Have you guys heard about iClue? Click here to read more about it. Throughout April, six different authors are featuring mysteries from their novels. If you solve the mysteries, you are entered for a chance to win an iPod Touch pre-loaded with six novels by the authors!
This week, author Kimberly Derting is writing a mystery involving the characters from THE BODY FINDER. You can read the opening to the mystery here. And today, I’m hosting the second part of her mystery!
iClue: Violet’s Mystery
When she reached her car, Violet stopped dead in her tracks, her heart beating faster. There was still no one around, and she suddenly wished she hadn’t stayed so late, that she hadn’t decided to work on her history project all by herself. The librarian, at least, was still somewhere on the school grounds. Violet could still go back inside and find her.
But for what? she chided herself. For a note stuck beneath her windshield wiper? Oooh, scary!
She took a deep breath and walked faster now. Whatever is was, it was probably nothing.
Probably a note from Jay, or Chelsea…one of her friends.
She hesitated before slipping it free.
This sheet was lined, with a ragged edge where it had been ripped from a spiral notebook. It was folded in thirds, much tidier than the other note had been.
She opened it.
One word:
Violet frowned, thinking about the note from her locker and wondering if the two were meant to go together. If so, “I’m sorry” could mean something, but what? And from whom?
She had no idea. And didn’t have time to find out, she was late.
She unlocked her car and climbed inside, waiting for her irritable engine to settle down before backing out of the parking spot.
The phone vibrated on the seat beside her. Violet recognized the quick burst of sound…she wasn’t getting a call, it was a text message. But she was driving, and it was illegal to talk or check messages while driving, so she ignored it.
Sometimes she hated being such a good girl.
When the phone buzzed again, her curiosity got the best of her and she slid it closer.
She only used one finger, that wasn’t so bad, was it? She checked the display to see who’d messaged her, but it was a blocked number.
At the red light, she picked the phone up, keeping it low, in her lap, so no one could see her law-breaking ways, and she opened the message.
Her stomach dropped.
Was this some kind of joke? If so, it wasn’t funny.
There was just one word. One letter, actually:
Okay, guys, these were your second clues! Be sure to check Kimberly’s blog tomorrow, so you can find the link to the next clue!
Solve all of the clues and you’ll know the password you’ll need to enter for a chance to win an iPod Touch!