Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Interview with Pam Bachorz (With Grandma Bee =))

What compelled you to write Drought and its dystopian theme?
I decided to bring in a little help for this one. So here’s my imaginary interview with my
husband’s Grandma Bee, who was one grand lady.

Honey, I’m so happy to help you out but… I don’t know what dystopian means. Can you tell me?
Well, Grandma Bee, people are using the word “dystopian” a lot these days. It means that
a story is set in a (usually future) society where things are wrong and twisted. Quite often
the society looks perfect on the outside but there’s something dark hidden at its core.

Now why’d you want to go and write about such a serious thing?
I tried writing picture books, when I got serious about writing, but they all came out
strange and dark. My favorite one was titled GO HOME GRANDMA.

That’s not very nice, baby!
It wasn’t about you, Bee Bee.

I know. (Pats hand and delivers reassuring smile). Go on, honey, tell them about why you write these things, they want to know.
Well, then I wrote middle grade books but they were just… boring. Once I started writing
the kind of books I love the most, YA books with magical or technological twists, I was
in business.

The dystopian element in DROUGHT is that it takes place in a small, hidden community
that’s being controlled by an evil man named Darwin West. He’s enslaved an entire
group of people—the Congregation—to harvest water that heals wounds and prolongs
life. What he doesn’t know is that it’s my main character’s blood that makes the water
work. The Congregation has protected Ruby’s secret for two hundred years.

You know who could help those people? Susan Powter. I bring her up on my TV and exercise with her every day. She’s a very strong lady. Maybe you could write her into the book? Is it too late?
Yeah, I think the book is pretty much final. I would imagine I’d have to change a lot of
things if Susan Powter showed up.

Maybe in the next book, honey.
Maybe, Grandma Bee.

I just hope your Ruby and Ford get to live a happy life together. Is that allowed in these dystopian books of yours?
Sometimes. But the path is never easy. You’ll just have to read it to find out, Bee!

I can’t wait, baby. I’ve already ordered it from Paul’s Books.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Kindle Giveaway!

This is probably the largest contest on my blog so far! I'm so excited to be hosting it with a few other bloggers! Lisa over at A Life Bound by Books , Aly over at Kid Lit Frenzy, Mavie from The Bookologist, and I all have gathered up and decided to each chip in for a Kindle. Because we didn't want to spend too much, we wanted to chip in and buy the Kindle Wi-Fi that costs $139 together, so the cost is less for each of us.

  • Holds over 3,500 books: The ultimate travel companion, Kindle weighs 8.5 ounces and holds up to 3,500 books. No longer pick and choose which books fit in your carry-on. You can always have your entire Kindle library with you.
  • Get books in 60 seconds: Whispernet utilizes Amazon's optimized technology plus Wi-Fi networks to enable you to wirelessly search, discover, and download content on the go. Your books and periodicals are delivered over Wi-Fi via Whispernet in less than 60 seconds. Wireless download speeds can vary based on file size.
  • Battery life of up to one month: A single charge lasts up to one month with wireless off. Keep wireless always on and it lasts for up to 3 weeks. Battery life will vary based on wireless usage, such as shopping the Kindle Store, web browsing, and downloading content.
  • Only 8.5 ounces: When reading for long periods of time, we know that weight matters. That’s why we worked hard to make our newest Kindle lighter than ever – only 8.5 ounces – so you can read comfortably for hours with just one hand. Kindle is lighter than a typical paperback, and thinner than a magazine. Just a third of an inch in profile, Kindle fits perfectly in your hands.
  • Never gets hot: Unlike a laptop or tablet, Kindle never gets hot so you can read comfortably as long as you like.
  • Screen rotation: Manually rotate the display from portrait to landscape to view maps, graphs, tables and Web pages.
  • and so many other cool features and specs....
  • "The Kindle is Amazon's #1 bestselling item for two years running. It’s also the most-wished-for, most-gifted, and has the most 5-star reviews of any product on Amazon. Now it's even better."

    Official Information:
    • to enter, fill out the form below (make sure to follow and read carefully)
    • only open to U.S. residents
    • March 4 is the deadline
    • kindle will be ordered from Amazon & will be shipped directly
    • entrants must be 17 years of age or older to enter
    • check my contest policy
    • ONLY ENTER ONCE. If you enter multiple times, only your first entry will be counted.

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