Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I decided to have three winners for the Hungry for HarperTeen Contest! First place will get the prizepack of his/her choice, second and third will get one book from the prizepack of his/her choice

The winner of the Hungry for HarperTeen Contest is...
Riana M
She picked The Awesome Prizepack (Delirium, Angelfire, Vesper)!

Second Place is...
Raila Soares from Book Out of the Bookshelves
She still needs to email me back! You have 72 hours Raila =)))

Third Place is...
Tara from
She picked Where I Belong from The Contemporary Prizepack!

Congrats to the winners! Another contest is going to go up again after the auctions!
my signature

Thursday, October 21, 2010

24-Hour Surprise ARC Giveaway! INTERNATIONAL

Hi guys!

There are going to be more auctions to come, but before we finish, here's a super SUPER QUICK Surprise ARC giveaway! TO ENTER, Spread the word about the auction (Twitter, blog, etc.) AND follow

It's guaranteed that the ARC will not have been released yet =)))

Comment here with the link and email and saying that you followed the Tumblr! This is INTERNATIONAL. This ends 24 hours from now.

my signature

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Heather is awesome.

Heather is awesome. I'm being serious. Heather, you are the AWESOMEST person EVER! You know what I'm talkin' about *wink wink* =)

my signature

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